Logo Toro 25


PPR PN 10, PN 16, PN 20
PPR PN 10, PN 16, PN 20
Elbow 45° (CUQ) PN-25
Elbow 45° (CUQ) PN-25
Elbow 90° (CUV) PN-25
Elbow 90° (CUV) PN-25
Equal Tee (TEN) PN-25
Equal Tee (TEN) PN-25
Socket (MAN) PN-25
Socket (MAN) PN-25
End Cap (TAC) PN-25
End Cap (TAC) PN-25
Stub End (CTL) PN-25
Stub End (CTL) PN-25
Flange (FLG) PN-25
Flange (FLG) PN-25
Threaded Adapter Female (RFF) PN-25
Threaded Adapter Female (RFF) PN-25
Threaded Adapter Male (RFM) PN-25
Threaded Adapter Male (RFM) PN-25
Threaded Elbow Female (CFF) PN-25
Threaded Elbow Female (CFF) PN-25
Threaded Elbow Male (CFM) PN-25
Threaded Elbow Male (CFM) PN-25
Reducer Socket (RDZ) PN-25
Reducer Socket (RDZ) PN-25
Reducer Tee (TER) PN-25
Reducer Tee (TER) PN-25
Plug Anti Bocor
Plug Anti Bocor


Singapore Green Building Council
Sertifikat Singapore Green Building Council
Sertifikat WRAS PPR Pipe
WRAS PPR Fitting
Sertifikat WRAS PPR Fitting
ISO 9001:2008
Sertifikat ISO 2008
ISO 14001:2015
Sertifikat ISO 2015
Sertifikat Halal
Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC)
ATP Environment
Bureau Veritas


  1. Raw Material tidak beracun
  2. Keamanan terhadap karat dan korosi
  3. Keamanan terhadap benturan keras
  4. Keamanan terhadap temperatur tinggi dan tekanan tinggi
  5. Keamanan terhadap kondensasi dan heat loss
  6. Memenuhi standard air minum
  7. Penyambungan sangat cepat dan reaksi sambungan senyawa
  8. Umur minimum 50 tahun
  9. Garansi dan asuransi
Cara penyambungan pipa dan fitting ATP TORO 25
Cara Pasang 1
1. Cut

  • Make sure that the blades of the cutter are very sharp and free from irregularities
  • Cut the pipe perpendicularly to its axis
  • Make sure that the cutting section is perfectly flat and that there are no imperfections due to a misuse of the cutter

Cara Pasang 2
2. Bevel and Clean

  • Bevel and clean the ends to be welded

Cara Pasang 3
3. Mark

  • Mark the insertion depth

Cara Pasang 4
4. Heat

  • Heat the pipe fitting and the pipe to be welded at about 260°C by putting them into the fusion welder matrix
  • Wait for the indicated time (table DVS 2207) until PPR becomes smooth

Cara Pasang 5
5. Remove

  • Remove after a few seconds

6. Assemble

  • Assemble each part into one another in the allowed time (table DVS 22007) without rotating them.


Pipa dan Fitting TORO 25 dijamin garansi 10 tahun
dan diasuransikan €1,000,000 oleh pabrik dengan asuransi Allianz.